
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

'What's In My Bag?' Series: Miriam

The Bag: A simple navy back pack from Vanishing Elephant.
It's sturdy, comfortable to wear and fits everything I need in it.

Planner: Ah, my beautiful planner - I hold it entirely responsible for my sanity. I use both the monthly and weekly views to keep track of work shifts, assignments and social activities, and have tabs for my part time tutoring job, travel, and Mosaik ideas. And of course, a section purely for 'To Do Lists', a task just doesn't feel finished until it has been checked off. My planner really just helps me keep everything I'm thinking in the one place.
Pencil case: In my pencil case you will find every highlighter under the sun and about 12 blue pens crammed in. I'm still traumatised from an incident during my Year 9 English exam and refuse to carry anything less.
Wallet: Myki, Student ID, a little cash, 'Top Juice' loyalty card ... 
I-Pod: Essential for the commute. Listening to music keeps me calm when I'm crammed between thirty strangers; I just zone out and wait until my station is called. I'll usually have a little mix ready, something upbeat for the ride in, and relaxing for the trip back home.
I-Phone: Unlimited WiFi is my one saving grace at university. In my naive first semester days when I thought I would need / enjoy a two hour break, I watched a lot of YouTube, A LOT.
Charger:  ^
Reading material: Textbooks, provided notes, the novel I'm reading at the time or even a trashy magazine. Along with YouTube, using my extremely long breaks to get ahead with the required reading or unwind with a good read always helped to pass the time.
5 Subject display book: My degree involves some 5 subjects semesters (sigh) and a very confusing timetable, so having everything in one place saves space, weight and helps to keep me on track and organised during the busiest times of the semester. 
An apple, a smoothie receipt, and something crammed with sugar: When you're going on 5 hours of straight lectures and all you can think about is the perfection of a 'Schnitz' wrap and chips, it helps to bring a snack along. An apple usually does the trick for me and tides me over until I'm back home. On longer days though, I usually pick up a smoothie or juice too. On days when I know I'll need a pick-me-up or an immediate energy boost I'll also bring along a sugary treat.
Lipstick / Travel Perfume: I don't wear much make-up on an everyday basis so the only thing I bring with me to uni is my lipstick for the day. A bright lip and fresh perfume always brightens my mood, even on days that involve 6 hours of lectures. I love Sephora cream lip stains because they last pretty much all day, and Crabtree and Evelyn's Evelyn Rose perfume has such a sturdy bottle it works perfectly as my daily travel perfume.
Hair ties / Bobby Pins: I can guarantee you will find a layer of loose hair ties and bobby pins at the bottom of my bag. I fiddle and play with my hair all the time, so they accumulate very quickly. 
House Keys: I keep my keys on a pink, cat keyring. Pink + Cats = I must have it.


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