
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

La Onda De Elia y Elizabeth.

Elia y Elizabeth (Elia and Elizabeth) were a Columbian sister duo in the 1970s. The music of the two sisters were reordered with a well known music arranger in Latin America Jimmy Salcedo. The sounds of Elia y Elizabeth were quite underrated and hidden from the pop music history of Latin America in the 1970s. Their sound is a unique combination of soft 70's pop with Latin American folk. Their album and recordings are historic of representing the possibilities and discovering of the recording studio. The duo compile beautiful and fine melodies, in corporation with Spanish lyrics which are inspired by the idea of youthful thinking, expressing mysteries of life, love, nature and their country, their recordings lay a historic ground into the exploration of music and sound in their time.

I found the duo on Sound Cloud as I was fishing though a profile and without any background knowledge on the artists, the sounds soon made me feel as if I was in a summery place looking over bushland with a view of the ocean.  This was soothing to me, enabling me to escape for a while from the cold bitter weather that Melbourne is currently experiencing. The soft voices of both Elia and Elizabeth are so harmonious and combine beautifully with the music, holding together a moment in time and the sounds of classic pop in the 1970s.

Although I am not fluent or really know much Spanish, from translating the lyrics I grew fond of the historical aspect that is brought together when you read or listen to their songs. The lyrics definitely do stand their place in time, and tell us of a view of Spain's cultural and social aspects from a youthful and somewhat juvenile perspective. For instance, their song Descripcion meaning Description is a true perspective of a teenage girl's imagination in lust and adoration for someone. Drawing their lyrics back to describing the landscape and scenery of Colombia they use this scenery to portray the beauty they see in a certain loved one or significant other. Conjuring the love and passion for a person and their land, insight into a perspective of a young girl growing up in 1970's Latin America is found. 

Overall their  album La Onda De Elia y Elizabeth is great to listen to in the car, at a park, by the beach, at home, anywhere calm really, and is definitely worth a listen to so you can form your own interpretations and feelings towards where the recording of Elia y Elizabeth can take you. 

You can listen to the La Onda De Elia y Elizabeth in full on Spotify


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