
Monday, August 3, 2015

The Sickness. The Addiction. The Bachelor.

My mum often says "the converted are the extremists." 
She says this to me when I fall victim to yet another cult, and when I say "cult" I mean TV show and when I say "fall victim" I mean watch like it's my new religion. I only get this obsessed with shows that I previously refused to watch.

This obsessiveness first happened when I started to watch Game of Thrones. For about a year everyone in my life was trying to get me to watch GoT and after watching an episode that featured incest and the attempted murder of a child I decided this wasn't the show for me, so despite everyone's promise that the show got better I refused to watch it and judged anyone who did. 

Then this autumn, bored and slightly intoxicated by cold and flu tablets I sat down and put on the first season. From that day on my addiction to the show could be compared to that of a drug addict's as I got my next hit with the opening credits of each episode. I pretended I was sick a week longer than I actually was to finish all four seasons (I guess in some ways that does make me sick.)

When I finished I thought I was finally sober but oh no. how wrong I was. 
I want to start off by saying I have never judged a group of people more then the people who admit to watching The Bachelor (except for maybe the people who go on The Bachelor.) So this show was going to hit me hard.

Here I am every night at 7:29 waiting for those red rose petals to fill my screen, waiting for Sam to tell me how much he wants to find "true love," waiting for those pretty, smiling and hopeful faces of the girls who have  suspiciously exotic names, that when pronounced correctly sound like you're having an orgasm. These girls (as my cousin once stated) have fake boobs, hair, eyelashes and nails but are looking for real love. 

Season 3 is the first season I have committed myself to watching, and after only a couple of episodes I am already way too invested. I hate some of them, I love some of them and I love to hate some of them. The constant shots of roses and side glances between the girls are making me nervous. I am starting to understand why my Nonna takes her phone off the hook for the whole hour that The Bachelor is on television. This shit is intense. 

- Alessandra 

*Mosaik does not take credit for any of the images used in this article 

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