
Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Gift of Gift Giving.

It's the time of year again where we go out of our way to get something for someone who means something to us. 

I’ll start off with the nice stuff in regards to Christmas / gift giving. Giving a thoughtful gift to someone is a great feeling and can really make someone's day. It's a nice way to give back to someone who you really love and appreciate; because apparently the best gift is the gift of giving. And that is where I finish with the nice stuff. 

In theory, Christmas seems very simple, however when put into practice Christmas would have to be the most stressful time ever and a lot of things can and probably will go wrong, because the combination of family, food and presents can be a recipe for disaster.

Example: You have to act like it's the best day even though your mother has just yelled at all of your family for being their dysfunctional selves. You can argue all you like, but when you step out of that car you better act cool and keep that tension for the car ride home.

Lunch/dinner is an excuse for your aunties to force feed you their Christmas ham / duck / turkey / roast beef  which you will have to eat (seemingly) joyfully no matter how under, or over cooked because it is Christmas. 

And then there is the gift giving *cue ranting*. In case you're not familiar with the concept I’ll help explain it to you through a few pictures that I have carefully curated:

1.That same aunty gives you the same candle every single year and you're not even allowed to light candles at home because Dad thinks they are a fire hazard.

2. You put so much thought into someone's gift, you spend years planning this and save all your money and energy into getting something that they will like. (You even went to Highpoint). However, they don’t put as much thought into your present and you're left with a bar of soap and a few days of questioning whether this is their way of telling you that you smell / need to wash more. 

3. But you have to act like it's great because your mum taught you damn better than to act like an ungrateful gal and you commit to your insincere thankfulness because she raised no quitter.(This photo is misleading because avocados are fantastic and I wouldn't mind an avocado).

4. And during the gift giving ceremony you  have to make small talk with your estranged family who you see once every 9999999 yearzzz. DOES ANYONE KNOW ANYTHING


5. Someone may say it's time to exchange presents, and you get one handed to you first and then it gets taken away from you because Nan says “let the kids get their presents first” NAN, I DON'T KNOW MY TIME TABLES, I AM A KID.

6. And then those kids don't even act grateful and are more interested in the wrapping paper than the actual present. NAN WHAT'S GOOD?!!

7..And when Christmas is finally done and dusted, your mother makes you clean everything up whilst those filthy animals you call family are just sitting there relaxing.

So Merry Christmas and may the odds be forever in your favour 


*Mosaik does not take credit for the images used in this article

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