
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

People Profile: Grace Haslinghouse.

To me, musicals have always had an incomparable, magical quality about them, and it's a passion shared by Grace Haslinghouse, the very talented actress playing Millie Dillmount in UMMTA's production of 'Thoroughly Modern Millie'. Set in 1922, the show revolves around Millie's experiences in New York City, and a world that's changing around her to become, well, "thoroughly modern" with jazzier bands, bobbed hair, and a whole new set of social conventions.   

Thoroughly Modern Millie will run from the 8th to the 16th of May at the University of Melbourne's Union House Theatre, and you can get your tickets here. Until then, get to know the leading lady!

- Miriam

Thoroughly Modern Millie is described as being a “strong female musical masquerading as a love story” … in your opinion what makes TMM so unique and gives it its powerful message?
It’s refreshing to see a female lead portrayed as something other than the typical musical theatre ingénue. Millie is bold, daring and somewhat clumsy, and in no way does she rely on anyone to get what she wants. Many of the other female characters, such as Dorothy, Muzzy and Mrs. Meers, have that similar drive to them even though their personalities are all completely different. Those qualities give the musical its powerful message.

When did your love of theatre begin?
I caught the performing bug early. I used to put on little concerts for my parents in exchange for small change. I became obsessed with River Dance and Cats. I used to delegate roles to my kindy friends and I would direct a play based on the picture book I was reading at the time, from what I can remember we did the Owl and the Pussycat. I was quite the entrepreneur. But I was cast in my first real show in year 9 as an ensemble member in Little Shop of Horrors.

What is your favourite part of putting on a show … and the most challenging aspect?
Getting to do what I love most night after night! That incredible electric combination of nerves and excitement right before stepping on stage on opening night. I think for most people the hardest thing about doing a show is trying to work and give everything you have into a show whilst maintaining health and stamina. It’s a tricky balance. Millie is such a demanding part, so in terms of balance, the show has been a massive learning curve.

Describe your character in three words
It’s really difficult to put Millie in a defined little box. But I would say sweet, spirited and strong-willed.

Who is someone you have been influenced by?
I can’t pin point one person, different people are constantly influencing me. My high school drama teacher Mr. Murray influenced me immeasurably, teaching me about the stage and the importance of the character’s journey. But I'll generally meet someone who influences me in every show I do, and because of it, I’m constantly learning new things. Also, my mum and dad rock.

Fill in the blanks: If I could sing a duet with anyone, it would be with Julie Andrews and we would sing anything (the chance to perform with Julie would be enough).

What advice would you give to someone interested in getting involved in the world of theatre?
Don’t be afraid to give it (singing/dancing/acting) your all. Most of the time, you will find it pays off! And tell your character’s story. Characters have a past and a future, it’s important to remember that

*Photos by Ben Fon

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