
Friday, May 8, 2015

Screen Printing 101 Workshop @ Homework.

Have you ever wanted to try a new skill? Wanted to learn it in one day? At Home-Work in Brunswick YOU CAN!

My sister, Nicole, and I, both decided to buy each other a 'Screen Printing 101' class for Christmas, which ended up being the coolest present ever! In a class running from 10:00am-3:00pm, we learnt how to screen print, met some lovely people, and even got a yummy little lunch pack too!

This was a skill that both Nicole and I wanted to learn for so long and after a few tries, we managed to get the hang of the craft! At Home-Work, we were given full creative freedom: designing our own stencils in the first half of the class after looking through lots of beautiful art books and non-fiction books on all kinds of topics for inspiration, then moving on to choosing our ink colours and finally, printing our designs! Below is the pattern that I created with the hands of lovely instructors Lara and Jess.

The class was so informative and so much fun; we wish that we could have stayed for another few hours playing around with all of the printing equipment and inks! 

Home-Work offer many other classes including 'Screen Printing 102' and 'Screen Printing 103' (which you can do as you become more advanced as a screen-printer). They also offer workshops on weaving, macrame plant hangers and wall hangers! Check out their range of workshops and products here:

- Christine

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