
Thursday, October 15, 2015


When you say the word India it seems to signify something greater- there is a mystery to it, something undiscovered. People go to India in search for of love, in search of faith, in search of themselves. I was going purely for the experience, to embrace an entirely different culture, one that was extremely foreign to me.

Upon returning I have learnt that India is indescribable, it can never be condensed to a few words because India can only be truly captured through the experience of being there and being present. It is ever changing, filled with noises and smells and colours that clash and assault the senses, and finally decide to co-exist. It is a place of extreme contradictions; everything is considered holy but nothing is sacred, poverty is contrasted by extreme wealth, the old more conservative India is juxtaposed with the new emerging India, rapidly embracing the contemporary world. 

Do: Take Photos/Travel in a Group/Travel by Tuk Tuk/ Camel Rides/ Hikes/ Watch the Sunrise/ Dance with Gypsies in the Dirt (Basically everything)

Take photos of everything, all the time, always. No, really. India is so beautiful you can't, not record it and photos are great for your post travel depression when you get back. Travelling with a group was so much fun as well, it made everything more exciting and you feel so much safer. You make new friends and bonds that will last forever and it gives you an excuse to drink a Kingfisher beer every night (it's totally cheesy but its also completely true).

Tuk Tuk Rides are the equivalent of Disneyland's Wild West ride in India and the main form of transport and camel rides are not as popular but just as fun!

Go hiking to get another perspective of Indian cities. It's so easy to get carried away in the busy Indian streets but an early morning hike up the surrounding mountains of Pushkar definitely gives you perspective and a sense of calm in among the chaos. It is those moments between light and dark in India that bring the most enlightenment. Dawn and dusk. Dancing at dusk with the gypsies in the dirt was also an amazing experience. You completely let go of all your inhibitions and surrender to India. 

Narain Niwas is situated in Jaipur and is an oasis, an absolute heaven and a the hotel you should splurge on. Some of my favourite moments were spent just sitting on the Havelli porch watching the peacocks strut around and the busy street in the distance or spending the last few minutes of sunlight relaxing in the pool, or waking up to a beautiful painted ceiling every morning. 

Eat: Carefully (!)
Be super careful about what and where you eat. Eating in the hotel is usually safe. While I was there I ate only vegetarian dishes which is mainly the cuisine anyway but even that can be unsafe; yes I got food poisoning and yes it was the worst and yes everyone got sick but we all survived (and to be honest it was kind of worth the risk for the amazing curries).

Shop: Local Markets 
Local markets are always the place to go for jewellery, homewares, handwoven material and lots of other knick-knacks.

Handy Tip: XE currency app 
The app that stops anyone from ripping you off.

- Alessandra 

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