
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Power of the Written Word.

I can’t quite pinpoint the time in my life where I became so inspired by writing, but as I left school and started finding myself as a person, I began to realise the overwhelming power that the relationships in my life had on shaping me and my decisions. I also began to realise how therapeutic and reflective I found the process of writing to be. For me, I find it a lot easier to express myself through writing, so any spare time that I have is normally spent writing, reading, or reflecting on the positive relationships and things in my life. Over time, I began to develop a great love for writing to other people when they least expected it. There's something really beautiful about giving someone something that has no materialistic value, but can so aptly highlight human value. Like a pen between your fingers, detonating like a million little stars across the night sky, one day you too will form galaxies that shine forever over those who need of you, and then, light will feed itself back to you. Writing, in all its forms, is both a gratifying and wonderful process. 

My good friend, Shaun, recommended a book for me to read called One Million Lovely Letters by Jodi Ann Bickley. He knew I would love it, and I did. It is a semi-autobiographical novel that contains recollections and letters written by and to Bickley when she contracted a serious brain infection that would change her life forever. She had two choices at the peak of her illness: either to give up or to do something meaningful with the time she had been given. She decided to create an organisation where people who feel they - or someone they know - need to hear unexpected words of kindness can request a letter. One Million Lovely Letters follows Bickley’s inspirational journey to recovery that is an uplifting testament to the power that words hold in healing the heart and the mind.

I am a big believer in acknowledging people’s ‘little wins’ or beautiful qualities. Whether it be writing letters to people when they least expect it, or cramming little notes on the inside covers of books that I give to people, I think that people never expect but really appreciate when they have written recognition of someone noticing their impact on the world or their unique qualities. It is a simple but powerful act to write down your feelings about how you see other people – you can never fully understand what other people are going through, and to take the time to write down a few carefully thought-out words that might seem fleeting to you could have a monumental impact on another person’s life. The beauty of the written word is that people can return back to the words in moments of their life when they are feeling down or uninspired. A few words have the power to change everything. 

As I was reminded when reading One Million Lovely Letters, “sometimes people need to be told they are amazing, to drown out the negativity and the fear. Sometimes when someone else isn't feeling strong you need to be extra strong for them. They need you to tell them that they can cope, they can get better, because so much of healing is about belief, about positivity and determination.”  Pens are weapons so unassumingly powerful; the influence of the words you craft can have an impact of epic proportions. All you need to do is have the courage to start writing.


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