What matters most to you? Despite fear of being terribly cliché, I would have to say family, and the people I love are most important to me. I've come to realise just how much of an impact the people I love have on my life, and how much I really need them, after losing one of my closest friends earlier in the year. What makes you happiest? There are too many things that make me happy to nail down a single response, but I'd have to say the wonderful people in my life. Footy also gets a mention, for achieving anything as a team feels infinitely better than anything achieved on your own, but the people I've met and experiences I've had, especially playing AFL, have been nothing short of exceptional. Also, I love the beach; nature brings a level of peace to me that I can't experience elsewhere. What is one thing you want to achieve? I want to finish my degree, whether I go on from science into physiotherapy as planned or do something else I find a passion for. What is something about yourself that you are proud of? Playing Women's AFL. Last year in the first ever Women's AFL sanctioned game I lived my dream, which I never thought I would have the opportunity to fulfill. What is one thing you will never understand? The spontaneous nature of the world; it is the source of every question. From why bad things happen to good people, to coincidences, the world is an ever changing existence I'll never fully understand. What is something you want to do more of? Road trips, and new various experiences and adventures. I spend too much time doing what I've always done, and I want something exciting and new. What is your largest obstacle right now? Me. All my plans and ideas at this point in time are achievable, but only if I work for them and make them happen. What do you wish you had been told ages ago? Don't hold back. Be all that you are and confident in everything; you've got nothing to lose. What is one thing you are glad you did? I am so glad that I went to the University of Melbourne and moved to their footy club because I have met so many great people who are already making a positive impact upon my life and I am loving it, especially the uni lifestyle. What do you admire in the people around you? This list could be infinite, if I were to list traits of people I know, because there is something to admire in everyone, or at least respect, if you take the time to know them. I admire the strength of others, their courage, their patience and kindness. I value those who are unconditionally respectful, and have little time for those who are not. It also makes me happy to see others be confident and happy in who they are, and not be afraid to express themselves. If we interviewed you again in 10 years what is something you would like to have a different answer to? What I want to achieve - hopefully I have finished my study in 10 years!
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