To those who know Nicholas Madden, have spoken to him about his passions, or witnessed one of his famed 21st speeches, it is abundantly clear that the man has a way with words.
Therefore, the fact that at just 21 years of age he is now the author of his first novel, The Three Crowns, is both unsurprising and wildly impressive. Nicholas creates a world of fantasy in his novel, brimming with war, sorcery, betrayal and revolution.
This ability to translate such complex concepts into a tangible form for others to read and imagine is intriguing to me, therefore I was keen to gain an understanding of how The Three Crowns came to be including Nick's inspirations, motivations and creative process.
The first five chapters of this novel are currently available to be read on his website.
When did you start writing The Three Crowns, and how has it evolved?
I started writing The Three Crowns about two years ago now, and it began as an idea I had one night before I fell asleep. The idea was about a slave who needs to help his Emperor. I put it in my notes on my phone, then went to sleep. The next day I started writing it. It really started to evolve into what it is now after I created the map. When I created the map, I felt like exploring other areas of the world and one by one other characters were added. Pretty soon I just couldn’t stop writing. From the beginning I never really planned anything out, the story just shaped itself as I kept going. It kind of snowballed into the book I have now.
Why fantasy?
I love history. If I wasn’t doing what I’m doing, then I’d probably be studying to be a history teacher. But with fantasy, I can write my own history, and it’s incredibly liberating, but more importantly, it’s fun. To be able to invent a world where history is whatever I say it is, is a weird thing, but it’s enjoyable and rewarding.
Do you think you’ll ever write non-fantasy?
Yes, I think so. Fantasy has a lot of advantages, there’s so much you can do with it. However I’ll follow a good story where ever it leads.
Who is someone you have been influenced by?
Tolkien is my hero. So is Martin, even though his greatest work isn’t finished yet. I also find influence across a lot of different storytelling mediums. I love movies, and my favourite director of all time is probably Hayao Miyazaki. He’s one of the main reasons I wanted to write fantasy.
When are you most productive/creative?
I think in the hour before I go to sleep. Mainly because I’ll realise how tired I am, and I have to hurry up and finish whatever’s in front of me. It also helps that the house is quiet at that time.
Who do you look up to?
I think my Grandfather has always been a man who will set his sights on something, and make sure it gets done. He does whatever it takes to make it happen. That’s the way I want to approach life. He also still works at the moment, and that level of dedication is incredible.
As a child, what did you love more than anything?
That’s a tough one. I enjoyed everything as a kid. But I guess so much of that had to do with the kind of environment I grew up in. We lived in the best neighbourhood. We were always out on the street, going from house to house, and everyone’s front door was always open. It was a great time to be a kid, growing up like that. We didn’t need much encouragement to stay outside. There was a creek out the back of our street, and we spent heaps of time hanging around there. There was always something to do. I loved everything about it.
What fascinates you?
People fascinate me. People are interesting. The way people connect is amazing to think about for just a moment. A lot of things fascinate me, but there’s few things as interesting as the fact that there are so many people in the world and everyone has a story to tell.
What is one thing you want to achieve?
I think to get through life doing something you care about is important. I also think it’s important to find something that makes you useful. So I’m not sure if I’m cheating and that’s two achievements, but to care about what I’m doing and make it useful to others is what I want to do.
How can we find out more about you?
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