Have you ever had an incredible crazy idea/invention/event idea and thought: 'I wish I had enough funding to actually make this happen?' Well look no further, the Kickstarter community is for this specifically!
Kickstarter designers and planners go through a simple sequence: they come up with an idea, they create an instructional/promotional video to show how their prototype works or how their thing* will improve your life, and present a timeline and what you will get if you donate a certain amount of money towards their project.
(*thing = event, comic book, instrument, pet product.. anything!)
As an Industrial Design student myself, this is such an incredible platform to get support from people and also to support others' dreams or projects that I may secretly want myself.
An example of one of the successful projects that hit their money pledge and are starting up their company through Kickstarter is the 'MemoBottle', a water bottle shaped like a notebook. You may think it's silly, BUT JUST THINK HOW MUCH EASIER IT'LL MAKE PACKING YOUR BAG!? It's such a simple concept and I love it. Check out their original campaign, and you can then view their progress through the 'Updates' tab! They're now even available for purchase > here.
You can read all about their journey by clicking > here.

You can support anything from design projects and comics, to dance events and publishing for new and upcoming magazines. It's such an amazing and creative place to lose countless hours to, and in the meantime you may just make somebody's dream come true! :)
* Mosaik does not take credit for the images used in this article
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