Show Yourself Kindness Everyday: It can be something as simple as letting yourself press the snooze button on your alarm, to running a bubble bath, or buying a bunch of flowers to brighten your room. Yes, even buying yourself that dress you've been lusting over. And if you look good in that dress, tell yourself. It sounds a little silly but the most important friendship in your life should be with yourself, so be kind to yourself and nurture that relationship.
Do Something for Others Daily: In turn though, caring for yourself needs to then translate to passing that kindness onto those around you. This could be something huge, like giving blood, or volunteering with a charity, to something as simple as making your mum a cup of tea, or writing a friend a letter. Some of my most prized possessions are cards and letters friends have given me. Never underestimate the power of a kind word, and showing those around you that you value and appreciate them. Sharing yourself with others will make you a much happier and healthier person.
Learn to Be a 'No' Man: Yes, this sounds incredibly negative. But it isn't, and it's an attitude that means that you'll stop saying yes, halfheartedly to the things you don't really want to do, which, when piled on usually leave you feeling drained, overwhelmed and a lesser version of yourself. There's nothing wrong with saying no sometimes, although this does mean that when you say yes, you give all your energy to the people and activities you care about.
Switch Off More: While social media definitely has its positive side, at times it can cause more damage than good, especially when you start comparing yourself to others. Distancing yourself from the virtual world and dwelling on what others are doing, and actually connecting and developing real life relationships is key to a healthy mind.
Make Time to Be Conscious of What You're Grateful For: It's so easy to become consumed by one negative experience, that you end up blocking out everything in your life that's positive. Find a time in your day - everyday, even if it's just a few minutes - to remind yourself of the elements in your life that bring you joy. Journaling can be a really therapeutic way of recording these thoughts.
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