For all the cat lovers in Melbourne a new entity has arrived in our city, and I’m sure you all know of it. After months of speculation and social media awareness, for this amazing commodity that was coming to the City of Melbourne, the Cat Café Melbourne has landed and has already struck Melbournian cat lovers hearts, as they continue to sprawl their love for this café and the amazing felines that reside there. The owner Anita Loughran and her partner are real cat lovers and have always been passionate about animal welfare especially when to do with cats. This was a dream that formed twelve months ago, where the couple decided they were fed up with their corporate careers, and wanted to experience and challenge their career paths in starting something fresh and different, and I am sure you can agree, it is a truly worthy enterprise.
Speaking with Anita, she explained that starting this café was a big leap into the deep end. With experience in the more retail and the managerial side of things, running and owning a business was not something that herself and her husband were particularly knowledgeable and experienced in. Accompanied with plenty of research behind this idea, the couple had to go through large procedures to find the best felines to represent this café. Forming connections with the Geelong Animal Welfare Society and the Lost Dogs Home Melbourne, they were able to search and find cats that had great interactive skills with other cat friends and also friends of the human variety. With eleven beautiful and friendly cats living there, going by the names of Burma, Braveheart, Winter, Lottie, Clara, Jasper, Lynx, Lexi, Waldo, Lopez, Sherlock and Shakespeare, it is safe to say that these cats are in great care and are well looked after. They have a variety of specialist vets coming to visit every so often, safety precautions due to animal illness, as well as sponsorship from Science Diet. The café also acquires a list of rules and instructions visitors must abide by to ensure their safety and the safety of the cats.
Anita and her husband really wanted to bring along the joy and the fun experience of a relishing café atmosphere chaperoned by adorable furry cats. Despite the obstacles and loopholes that came along with the beginning of the Cat Café Melbourne, the owners are certain that it is truly a rewarding and enriching challenge in their careers, that will bring Melbournians to love and experience the wonderful nature and company of cats and never having to miss out on the delightful encounters which many experience with cats.
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To find more on The Cat Cafe Melbourne and book a session with the cats, visit:
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To find more on The Cat Cafe Melbourne and book a session with the cats, visit:
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