Gone Girl follows the failing marriage of Nick and Amy Dunne as they reach their fifth anniversary, on which day Amy goes missing in suspicious circumstances, leaving behind only a diary and her annual wedding anniversary treasure hunt.
The twists in this book keep you on edge till the last page, while Flynn's structure forces you to make predictions only for her to completely contradict them in ways that you can't even imagine.
When it was first suggested that we do an Express Experience on the book we had to have a serious discussion because a few of us got way too emotionally involved in this novel, especially towards the end (I'm not even sure there is a book anymore, I think it was burnt by B). But with a movie due to be released later this year starring Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike and Neil Patrick Harris; how could we not spread the evilness of this book. (We hope we don't give too much away. Read with discretion)
Express Experience 1:
What made you read Gone Girl?
Some weird hand of fate. The book was randomly in my study and M came over to my house and saw it and said I had to read it because it was just so good and trusting M's judgement I did. I later learned it was my auntie's copy of the book which she had abandoned as she hated it that much.
What were you like while you were reading this novel?
I was just not myself, I was getting to uni early just so I could run up to the library and read up to the next chapter, I was going to sleep super late and I was just emotionally unstable every time Flynn introduced a new twist. I was gasping more then usual and I am pretty sure I sent somewhat abusive text messages to M after finishing a certain chapter and not being able to handle what was happening.
What was your favourite thing about this book?
The fact that it ended and I knew there would be no more twists after that last page and it could not get any worse and also the fact that I could recommend it to B and see her go through the 10 stages of emotion I went through.
What did you hate most about Gone Girl?
The ending. (Just reflecting on the ending makes me angry)
What did you do when you finished it?
Screamed. It was three in the morning and I was just in shock and I didn't know what to do.
Will you watch the movie?
Absolutely. It will be hard to go through that again but Ben Affleck's face will be on screen for most of the movie so I think I will survive and Neil Patrick Harris is perfect for his role too.
What is your advice for anyone who is about to read the book?
1) DON'T READ AHEAD. Please do not flick ahead to see what happens because you will ruin everything for yourself.
2) When you are finished with the book recommend it to a friend because it is pretty hilarious when they text you in frustration over an event in the book and you know it will just keep getting worse.
Express Experience 2:
What made you read Gone Girl?
I had asked a few
friends for book recommendations to entertain me over the holidays and ‘Gone
Girl’ was suggested. I've always enjoyed reading thrillers, the plot appealed to me and I knew I could trust my friend’s
What were you like while you were reading this novel?
I spent every spare moment I had reading this book. If I wasn’t sightseeing or about to collapse from all the walking, this book was in my hand. The plot completely consumed me. I'm pretty sure some shrieking was also involved.
What was your favourite thing about this book?
It is such a twisted
thriller, Gillian Flynn's mind works in such a clever way, every aspect of the
plot has been meticulously thought out and planned. It completely draws you in
and consumes you. I can confirm a eight hour straight marathon. It's definitely a rare and wonderful quality when a book
makes you want to throw it at all your friends, screaming READ. THIS. NOW.
What did you hate most about Gone Girl?
THE END. Just when you thought the plot couldn't get anymore twisted, it does.
What did you do when you finished it?
I was in a state of utter shock, I spent about 10 minutes frantically flipping the last page back and forth, I just could not believe the book ended the way it did. Once I composed myself, I ran up to my hotel room to
get on the Wi-Fi so I could have a virtual freak out session with the friend
who had recommended the book.
Will you watch the movie?
Is the sky blue?
I think the casting is
on point, I was initially unsure about Rosamond Pike but I’m looking forward to seeing how
she tackles the role. I’m also super excited to see how the film twists the
What is your advice for anyone who is about to read the book?
100% second A’s advice. I'm trying to find my next victim.
Express Experience 3:
What made you read Gone Girl?
I was literally forced. I went out for lunch with A and M and the book was put in front of me and I was told I had no choice.
What were you like while you were reading this novel?
At the start it was amazing. As someone who loves reading but also leads a very busy life, a book that has me thinking about it constantly and itching to read it in every spare moment is bound to seem special.
Once I hit a certain point however, the major turning point in the novel, I hated myself. I hated my emotions and what they were doing to me. I felt embarrassed because I had been recommending this book to everyone and yet it wasn't until then that I worked out how UTTERLY DERANGED it was. Nevertheless, I couldn't put it down. I hated myself but you could not pry the thing off me.
What was your favourite thing about this book?
All jokes aside, the fact it was so damn compelling was a teller of how clever Flynn was in writing it. She gave you just enough that you were left desperately wanting more but not too much that it got boring or predictable. This book was anything but predictable. I often found myself speechless due to how genius her writing and plot was. It was one of those books that just makes you smile to yourself about how brilliant it is. I also liked the insights into human nature, especially in regards to marriage and the way two humans treat each other- their wants, reactions, needs and perceptions.
What did you hate most about Gone Girl?
I hated the thing that also made it so brilliant. I hated the way it manipulated me and my feelings and the way the ending actually nearly forced me to tear my hair from the follicles.
What did you do when you finished it?
Well, I actually have a witness and I'm not proud of that fact. I was resorted to screaming, grunting and yelling exasperatedly while rolling around on a bed (nothing sexual).
I also think I messaged A and M telling them I was going to do harm to them or harm to myself or harm to the book or something along those lines... its all a bit of a blur to be honest.
Will you watch the movie?
I'll be first in line.
What is your advice for anyone who is about to read the book?
Pretty much just do not flick ahead even if your life depends on it and don't be on the train or any area where you are liable to punch someone when you are due to finish the book.
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