Thursday, January 7, 2016

People Profile: Annika Keefer.

I first met Annika at one of my favourite Melbourne pizza places Meine Liebe on a night out with uni friends (she was my friend Amalia's sister.) Despite the striking resemblance to Amalia, the next thing I noticed was that she was every bit as colourful and wonderful as her intricate paintings that I had been secretly admiring via Instagram. 

Her paintings are like dreams, look at them for too long or think about them too hard and you will get lost in them. They are intricate stories told through veins of colour. 

Annika launched her site late last year as a portal to view and buy her work and I know this year will have big things in store for her because incredible talent doesn't go unnoticed. So here is our first people profile of 2016.


What made you want to start painting?
My dad is an Art Teacher so I've been painting with him since I was a little girl. I took Art as a subject in high school but never really took it too seriously because I was really into music at the time and I guess I just never thought my work was ‘good enough’ to put out there. After deciding that a career in music wasn't for me, I took a course in Art Therapy and it completely changed my life! It made me realise that I could do anything I wanted. I found painting to be super therapeutic and was receiving a lot of lovely feedback from friends and family who had seen my work so I just sort of started painting regularly and began sharing my work on social media and everything just took off from there.

What makes you happiest?
Gratitude. I’ve recently learned that being grateful actually stimulates the hypothalamus (a key part of the brain that regulates stress and the ventral tegmental area (part of our “reward circuitry” that produces the sensation of pleasure. So being grateful actually, scientifically makes you happier! Crazy! When I’m feeling a bit low I just take time to remind myself of small things that I am grateful for and it usually does the trick.

What are you excited about right now?
I’ve left this year pretty open in terms of what I can do with it. I’m not really tied down to anything at the moment so I’m excited to just watch it all unfold! I’m excited but also shit-scared at the same time..I think that's healthy, though haha

What do you wish you had been told ages ago?
That I don't need to fundamentally change myself in order to be accepted and/or loved by other people.

Where do you find inspiration?
Being in nature! I’m currently living in the Gold Coast hinterland and am loving being around such lush forestry and so close to the beach at the same time. It's been really great for my creativity.

Do you believe things happen for a reason?
I’m not sure if everything necessarily happens for a reason but I’m all for making the most out of everything that happens in my life. I like to think of every experience as an invitation for me to learn more about myself and the world around me.

What is your most prized possession?
Over the last year I’ve become obsessed with jewellery. Colourful necklaces and big, dangly earrings in particular. I feel so naked without them.

What do you admire in the people around you?
I’m really attracted to authentic people who are comfortable in their own skin. I like to surround myself with weird, wacky, wonderful, passionate, inspired people!

What do you love about Melbourne?
The amazing people I’ve met there!

Learn More about Annika: 

*Mosaik does not take credit of any of the pictures in this article. Pictures provided with permission by Annika Keefer*

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