Friday, September 19, 2014


Rejection, in any form, is one of the hardest feats we must face in life. It leaves you out of reach of a desire and lost in a world you don't want to face, but have to regardless. 
Rejection, however, only makes up part of our journey, a journey we don't know the path of but are forced to follow anyway.

Since I was 16 I have always wanted to study Textile design, it was the one thing that combined my love for art and fashion perfectly. So, for three years I worked towards that one goal, focusing on the bachelor course I so desperately wanted to get into. I planned the next three years of my life out. 

Then one day at the end of last year I came home from work and found a letter from the university I had applied for. I opened it up and my heart momentarily stopped beating as I read the words "we regret to inform you..." 

My entire future seemed to disappear somewhere among those five words.

Exhaustion and complete frustration took over and I spent the next two hours sobbing into a pillow before trying to make myself feel better by going down to the kitchen and putting on Adele full blast as I tried to bake a cake (a cake that ended up taking me four hours to make and many repeats of Rolling in the Deep.)

I kept the letter and I just found it recently and I read it again. As I read it properly for the first time I accepted its contents... I accepted its contents as a stroke of luck. Because looking back over the last seven months I am so happy with where I am and I didn't plan any of this. 

Rejection forces us to close doors, because they no longer lead anywhere, not because of failure or incapacity, but because this simply isn't your path and there is such a better one just waiting for exactly you!   


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