Tuesday, December 30, 2014

14 Things I Learnt in 2014

Every year I used to make a New Year’s resolution but I never stuck to any of them. Then this year I decided to get myself a journal and start a list of things I wanted to do in 2014 and add to that list and carry that list on for as many years as I wanted, allowing it to change as I changed.
I have things like "learn how to blow bubble gum", "skydive" or "go to every Disneyland". 

As I slowly make my way through the list I feel like I learn more about myself. As the New Year approaches I would like to reflect on the year that has been and the things I have learnt and the mistakes I have made.

So here it is, 14 things I have learnt from 2014. 

1. Sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck

2. Big girls do cry 
 A lot. Probably more than little girls. 

3. Death is as unpredictable as life

4. Being unapologetic and ambitious is OK
Never apologise for who you are or what you want because you have every right to want it and if you work hard enough you have the ability to get it.

5. It’s OK to love your imperfect body
Thanks Lena Dunham for that one!
Ever since becoming seriously addicted to HBO's Girls and seeing Lena Dunham sans bra from every angle I no longer feel uncomfortable about my imperfect self.

6. Kissing is great (but the person you're kissing might not be)
And their kissing might not be so great either. 

7. Karaoke is only fun when you know all the words
WARNING: You don't know ALL the BeyoncĂ© song, you just know the chorus.

8. Sometimes falling helps you know where you stand
Yes, it’s embarrassing and you realise you might be a little more drunk then you thought but at least when someone comes over to pick you up you know where you stand. 

9. Fall in love with yourself first
Cause you're stuck with that person for a really long time. 

10. Everyone’s life is as vivid and complex as your own

11. Make mistakes
It is better to fail miserably than not to try at all

12. Taking risks pays off.  

13. Being sober at a bar is really hard
Me: Could I just get a glass of Coke 
Barman: Coke and Rum?
Me: No just Coke 
Barman: With Rum?
Me: Coke and Rum, without the Rum.

14. Have Fun
and live as only you can

Happy New Year!
- A

*Mosaik does not take credit for any of the images used in this article

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